The end of the year is a self-reflective time for many people. The passing of another year reminds us of the finiteness of our time and has a way of prompting us to evaluate whether we are spending this time meaningfully and well. If you feel pulled toward conducting a year-end inventory, I will offer a few thoughts for how to make this a constructive and enlightening experience rather than one that is anxiety-provoking or feels aimless.
Where to Start
I have found that most people get much more out of self-reflection when they have specific check-in questions they are asking themselves rather than just “how am I doing?” While there are countless valuable questions a person could pose to themselves, the following are good starting points and applicable to most people’s situations.
Remember, there are no right or wrong answers to these questions. They are meant to be approached with a spirit of curiosity and generosity, understanding that no person is perfect and that self-growth is a lifelong endeavor. Writing out your thoughts on these queries is particularly helpful as it gives you the ability to come back to review or add to your insights later on.
How has my self-care been this year?
Have I been getting enough sleep? How is my sleep quality?
Have I been intentional to move my body regularly in ways that I enjoy?
Am I mindful to nourish my body adequately with a wide variety of foods?
Have I made time to do things that I find enjoyable, fun, or relaxing?
Am I frequently self-critical? If so, what does that sound like?
How do I treat myself when I feel that I have made a mistake or fallen short in some way?
Can I tell when my stress is high? Do I have tools that enable me to manage stress effectively?
How healthy are my relationships?
How do the people I interact with regularly make me feel about myself?
Do I feel as though it is safe to be myself with the close people in my life?
How many people do I have in my life that I can share personal or vulnerable things with?
Do my relationships generally feel mutual, or do I have a number of one-sided relationships where one person is giving or taking more than the other? If yes, am I the giver or the taker?
Have I allowed myself to verbalize my needs to other people? If so, does it feel like those needs are heard/respected?
Have I held onto any relationships that aren’t really serving me? If so, why?
Have I been loving others well? Do I accept other people for who they are, respect their needs and boundaries, and treat them with kindness?
Have I been living my life with intention and purpose?
Do I know what my values are? Am I in touch with my internal definition of what it means to be a good person and to live a meaningful life?
How do I put my values into practice in my daily life?
How am I contributing to the wellbeing of my community?
Do I feel as though there is something I do regularly that matters? This could be your job, parenting or other forms of caregiving, volunteering, etc.
Am I continuing to learn and engage with the world in novel ways or have I felt stagnant lately?
Then What?
Whether you engage with one, a few, or all of these questions, my hope is that you gain rich information about yourself, what is working well for you, and what is not. Identify what questions were easy and felt good to answer and which ones brought up discomfort for you. The former indicates that you can keep up the good work of what you’re already doing, whereas the latter invites you to experiment with making some changes.
Perhaps you realize that your sleep has been terrible, or your life has been all work/obligation and no fun lately, or that your relationships don’t feel as close as you would like them to, or that you feel like you’re drifting through daily life rather than living with intention. Any of these could become an area of focus for you in the year ahead, where you identify small, progressive action steps you could take to work toward the improvement or growth you would like to see.
If it proves challenging or overwhelming to narrow in on what you want to work on for yourself or determine how you can do so in effective ways, therapy is a wonderful tool that offers clarity, structure, and accountability as you work to get more out of your life. In need of a new therapist? Contact me today to see if we would be a good fit to work together.
Please note: This content is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of a licensed mental health provider or other healthcare professional for guidance related to your specific mental health or medical concerns.